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Director of Dreams

Are the kids tucked in ? ... Yeah ... Heeeeeere we go....
-- Slick Rick "Bedtime Story"

I enjoy posting items about the little things in life, what people must be thinking when they're going about their daily routines. I also enjoy posting about what I'm thinking when I'm not thinking... i.e. dreams.

You'll also have to deal with the fact that everything is a stream of consciousness in this blog, so I'm not going back to correct that misspelling I just made. No grammar corrections either. Sorry folks, welcome to the world of blogging. Anyway... moving onward...

Sometimes I direct movies in my head when I dream. This is probably because I watch too many movies. I watch 3 or 4 movies a week. Mostly from IFC (Independent Film Channel), but occasionally from AMC or my DVD collection which finally hit 30 movies. I don't dare get HBO or Cinemax for fear that I'd end up watching too many movies. I have TIVO though, so I just record what I want & watch it later.

Last night's film in my head... it was pretty sad, weird, and spooky. The main character was a kid, around 14 years old or so, I'd guess. The boy was blind as a result of a car accident that his father had due to his drinking. His mother also passed away as a result of this accent.

The father has since turned into a born again Christian. He doesn't help the kid as much as he should, instead devoting his time to religion and asking for forgiveness for his sins from god & his deceased wife. I'm assuming that the father ignores or treats the kid harshly because the blinded child is a reminder of those sins. The only time the father is active with his son is when he's getting him up early on sunday dragging him to mass.

The son is both happy and sad. He's sad about his blindness, but appreciates how he's been able to survive it and work through it. He finds a friend in the small, quiet neighborhood who he hangs out with. The friend teaches him how to ride a bike, which he never did before. They discuss all sorts of semi-serious things while skipping stones across a pond. The son isn't sure about the existence of a god, and why such a being would take away his eyesight and mother away from him. He's confused about what's happening to his father and why he pays little attention to him. His friend tries to be an optimist, but finds it difficult when faced with such tough questions.

They instead focus on learning new things. His friend's father works on cars, and both kids start to learn about fixing cars. The blind boy has major difficulties, but with help from his friend they learn how to fix things together.

Anyway... the dream / film gets foggy at this point... all I can recall is the finally.

The kid's friend wakes up and hears a lot of yelling again at his friend's house. The father is dragging his blind son out of bed early on a Sunday morning to go to church. The son tells his dad about how he doesn't want to go, but the father drags him toward the car anyway. The son screams at the top of his lungs... "Dad, there is NO God !!!". The father responds by slapping his son in the face. The son begins to sob. The father is shocked by what he just did and looks around in a dazed and confused fashion. He reluctantly gets into his car and backs out of the driveway.

As the father begins to drive off, the front of the car explodes. A small fireball is all that's left of the car, but it continues to glide down the road into a tree at the T-intersection. The son, still sobbing, looks upward in the general direction of his friend's window, despite the fact that he can't see him. The friend is there looking on. The friend thinks to himself and recalls the time they were learning about cars and how his father the mechanic told him what would happen if they configured this incorrectly, that the car would explode. The friend realizes that the blind son was responsible for the accident.

The blind son, eyes full of tears, gets onto his bike and begins to ride down the driveway. The friend runs out of his room, down the stairs, and onto the street to try to stop him. By the time the friend gets to the bottom of the driveway, he sees his blind friend on his bike, riding straight towards his father's car that is still on fire. His friend runs down the street yelling at his friend to stop. The blind son merely rides onward into the ball of fire, thereby killing himself. His friend drops to his knees, and cries, but can't take his eyes off the image of the flames.


Anyway... I thought that was a pretty sad/spooky story. I wonder where my mind comes up with this stuff. I hope this isn't already a movie or something.

I'd like to point out at this time that none of this had anything to do with anything that has happened in my life. My parents are both alive, happy, and don't even go to church. I also am not blind, nor have been friends with anyone who was.

The mind is a very interesting thing indeed. I wish I understood it more.
But I'm glad I wrote this down before it slipped my mind completely.

Have a good weekend folks.